
Vittascience Boutique

330 available products

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    Découvrez notre gamme de cartes programmables et de capteurs !
    Lancez-vous dans la programmation grâce à ces éléments 100% compatibles avec les interfaces Vittascience et leurs ressources associées.

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    Secure payment
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    2 year warranty

    On all our products. (excluding gift cards)
    See conditions.

    Programmable Boards

    22.9 €
    Micro:bit board v2
    28.9 €
    Arduino Uno R4 board
    39.6 €
    Arduino Uno R4 Wifi
    10.68 €
    Raspberry Pi Pico W (WiFi) card
    8.9 €
    Raspberry Pi Pico board
    97.2 €
    Raspberry Pi 4 Model B - 4GB
    35.88 €
    Wio Lite AI Single Board
    21.9 €
    54.6 €
    14.9 €

    Vittascience kits for micro:bit board

    Vittascience kits for Arduino board

    Vittascience kits for ST NUCLEO

    Vittascience kits for ESP32

    Vittascience kits - basic version


    57 €
    Maqueen robot for micro:bit board
    30 €
    Forklift for Maqueen robot
    43.2 €
    Cutebot smart robot
    45.9 €
    Move Mini Buggy robot for micro:bit board
    110 €
    AlphaBot2 robot
    99 €
    Maqueen Plus V2
    139 €
    Winky Robot
    9456 €
    NAO6 Robot
    838.8 €
    Blue-Bot Classroom Pack (6 Blue-Bots and Charging Dock)
    64.8 €
    SPHERO Robot Mini
    198 €
    TTS Loti-bot Robot
    140.4 €
    Blue-bot Robot
    5745.6 €
    Ned2 - Arm-robot Niryo

    Extension boards

    33.6 €
    Weather:bit Shield for micro:bit
    38.99 €
    60 programmable led ring
    42 €
    Caméra IR pour Rapsberry
    12.9 €
    Grove Base HAT Module

    Coding without computer

    Electronic Kits


    27.6 €
    Grove BME280 temperature, pressure and humidity sensor






    4.2 €
    USB-A to USB-C cable

    Alphai - Learning Robots

    78 €
    2-station license for the AlphAI robot
    516 €
    30-station license for the AlphAI robot
    570 €
    Discovery pack
    960 €
    Duo pack
    2802 €
    Team pack
    4092 €
    Class pack
    120 €
    2-station license for all robots
    816 €
    30-station license for all robots

    Models for Bordas notebooks

    Vittascience Premium subscription


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