How to use the API ?
The latest values of your sensors will be accessible via the API. To use them, you have to call the following URL.
To transfer your Python code from the Vittascience interface:
To transfer your .hex program without the card being connected to the interface:
To save Vittascience project and get it back on interface
Welcome into the interface Vittascience for Adacraft
To learn more about Adacraft, see the official documentation or the Vittascience glossary
Questions about libraries? You can view or download them from our Github repository.
Need help? Ask your questions or share your comments with the community on our Discord network.
Find many tutorials to make it easier to get started with Vittascience in the Resources center.
We are here to answer your questions, do not hesitate to contact us.🙂
The interface does not yet allow users to add a block, but we can add one for you if you describe the block to us, if possible with the corresponding code.
Fill in this contact form below for us submit your idea :)
You can choose to position the console on the lower part or on the right side of the interface
Import a file (16/9 format)
Welcome to the Wifi simulator for ESP32 chips.
This window appears when one of the [server] blocks is used in the IDE. It simulates the behavior of a browser (via a phone, tablet or computer) that connects to the network created by the ESP32 chip.
The entry url: is the url address of the server For example:
With each new http request received, the web page is displayed according to the data sent by the server.
< /br>You can use the button to reset the connection.
You can use our multi-card interface, by clicking on the Multi mode button at the bottom of the simulator. This mode becomes interesting if you wish to perform the simulation of a client-server for example.
Do not hesitate to follow the tutorial Client-Server Simulation for more details.
It seems your program is not working.
Please read again the statement carefully.
Well done! You have passed all the tests :)
MOOC MinesTelecom : Programmer un objet avec MicroPython
Si vous participez au MOOC MicroPython, voici le code permettant de valider l'exercice :
To create the exercise, your simulator will be recorded in order to generate a chronogram that the learner will have to reproduce.The chronogram lasts 10 seconds. By clicking on the button below, the recording starts, you can then modify the inputs (sensors, buttons, ...). The chronogram will be displayed once the recording has been made. It's yours !
Note: the verification if exercise is carried out with a tolerance of 100 ms.
In order to save an exercise, it is required to open a project first
Click the link below to copy this project into your projects
If you are here, it is because we cannot open the serial port of your computer to upload the code to your ESP32 board. To try to solve this problem, you can install or reinstall the ch340 driver.
Launch the installation of the ch340 driver available here:
Once the executable is launched, simply press 'install' if it's the first installation. Otherwise, press 'uninstall' and then 'install'. At the end of the installation, please unplug/replug your board and reload the Vittascience interface.
⚠️ At this time, Bluetooth upload is only available on phone or tablet.
To put the Micro:bit V2 board in pairing mode, press the A and B buttons on the board simultaneously. While keeping the A and B buttons pressed, press and release the reset button located on the back of the board. Several LEDs of the matrix light up. The Bluetooth logo is briefly displayed, then the LEDs form a pattern. The Micro:bit board is now in pairing mode.
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Your interface will reload in 5 seconds ...
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Le propriétaire du projet vous a partagé ce dernier en mode lecture seule.
Si vous souhaitez passer en éditeur afin de collaborer avec lui, vous pouvez cliquer sur le bouton "Envoyer une demande" ci-dessous, sinon cliquez sur le bouton "Ok".
You must create a project before you can share it.
Click on the button below to create a new project.
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Your Python code uses advanced features that cannot be executed in your browser. It is possible to run it on a remote server.
This feature is reserved for logged-in users — you can log in by clicking on the button below.
We have loaded the last draft you saved for the adacraft interface. If you want to continue creating the resource from this draft, please click on the OK button
You can find the initial state of the exercise as your teacher distributed it. To do this, please click on the Reset button
vous êtes sur le point de supprimer la playlist
This activity is old, and the data it contains is only partially compatible with the new system. We can only retrieve the html content of the block programming.
We apologize for the inconvenience!
Do you wish to hide the mode selection in order to stay permanently in Code-only mode (without blocks)?
Code mode is currently locked. This means that block and hybrid modes are disabled.